Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ouch it Rains

Awaiting dearly for the monsoon, it is not something as cheerfully awaited yet timidly in the corner of my heart I yearn for now the damp moist days, the aromas of steaming tea & ginger biscuits, the god should be crazy gossips around the fire place ,to cuddle with cozy blankets, with slushy roads and empty bylanes. The monsoon in Nilgiris has its own charm one has to ease in to it though the transition every year is cumbersome, the change will be drastic as gloom descends all around. I like the feel of monsoon, the yearn now is much more to do away with the horrid summer. I hope the wait is over........

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This picture is fabulous!

    But honestly, I feel very depressed when it rains in Ooty! It tends to get very dark, dull and perpetually wet! :(


wander aRound

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